Squee Squared Studios
I am Angie J. Kay, an artist and writer from Southern Illinois, a place where everyone's been but no one notices. I'm currently making zines, pinback buttons and HOPEFULLY chapters of a novel soon. Come get subjected to my weird art and ramblings!
Alpha B*tch 2.25" Pinback Button
Blood Donor 2.25" Pinback Button
Can't We All Just Get a Bong 2.25" Pinback Button
I'm Not Always a Bitch 2.25" Pinback Button
Keep Your Rosaries Away From My Ovaries 2.25" Pinback Button
My Body is Not Up for Debate! 2.25" Pinback Button
Punk Will Never Diet 2.25" Pinback Button
Santa Likes Me Best 2.25" Pinback Button
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve 2.25" Pinback Button